Getting Started

22 Apr 2016 . category: docs . Comments


Pull the package in your project’s directory using either npm, or bower:

    npm install nanoflux --save
    bower install nanoflux


Once included in your project you need to define your stores, and wire them with your dispatcher(s):

var NanoFlux = require('nanoflux');
// the 'fluxy' version creates actions directly in dispatcher, which reduces verbosity
// the dispatcher can be fetched using NanoFlux.getDispatcher([dispatcherName]);
var dispatcher = NanoFlux.createDispatcher('dispatcher', ['loadProducts', 'addProduct']);

// wire store with current dispatcher     
// usually, you would describe your store in separate file
dispatcher.connectTo( NanoFlux.createStore('shopStore', {        
        _products : null,
        getProducts : function(){ return this._products; }, // returns immutable
        // automatically mapped using the convention on + [ActionName]
        onLoadProducts : function(){
            // calling an asynchronous function
            shopService.loadProducts().then( (products) => {
                this._products = Immutable(products); // using immutable pattern here
                this.notify(); // notifies all subscribed views
        // automatically mapped using the convention on + [ActionName]
        onAddProduct : function(product){
			this._products = this._products.concat(Immutable(product));
// setting NanoFlux globally omits the need of further imports throughout your app
window.NanoFlux = NanoFlux;

Here’s how you may use it in your views:

var ProductContainer = React.createClass({

	// get actions and store
    actions : NanoFlux.getDispatcher('dispatcher'),
    shopStore : NanoFlux.getStore('shopStore'),

    getInitialState : function(){
        return { subscription : null, products : [] }

	// the callback from shopStore
    onShopUpdated : function(){
        this.setState({ products : this.shopStore.getProducts() });
    componentWillMount : function(){
        // start listening to store when view is mounted
        // passing calling context 'this' and the callback function
        this.state.subscription = this.shopStore.subscribe(this, this.onShopUpdated);
    componentWillUnmount : function(){
        // unsubscribe

        return (
            // ... your render stuff