Nanoflux Fusion

11 Jun 2016 . category: docs . Comments

Nanoflux Fusion

Nanoflux Fusion is an evolution of Nanoflux that adopts the Redux approach using reducer functions (I call them Fusionators) to change the state inside the one and only store.

    npm install nanoflux-fusion --save    

Differences to (Nano)Flux

First of all, using Fusion you won’t lose any of the original functionality, but you’ll gain a very comfortable way to deal with application state. While the traditional approach uses Actions, Dispatcher(s) and Stores, the evolved Fusion reduces the architecture to several Actions, which I call Actors in this case, and a single Store. Although, the Dispatcher still exists, the user won’t get in touch with it, as it is a hidden implementation detail. The main difference is, that there’s no need to implement the Store, as the state manipulation is done within the assign/merge/fuse/reduce functions (named Fusionators), which are handled by the dedicated Fusion store. The Fusion interface provides also a special action creator, which returns action functions (named Actors).


Fusionators are implemented by the user and defines the logic how state will change. A Fusionator is a function that receives the previous state and the action arguments and returns the new state. While this grows proportionally to applications size, it is possible to break the logic in multiple Fusionators.


Actors are called like normal functions with any kind of parameter. When a Fusionator is created, the actors are constructed also and are available via getFusionActor()

Simple Example

var NanoFlux = require('nanoflux-fusion');

// NanoFlux provides a single, one-and-only dedicated store
var fusionStore = NanoFlux.getFusionStore();

// subscription is the same as in NanoFlux, note that the function passes a state (which is immutable)
var subscription = fusionStore.subscribe(this, function(state){
	// ... do something with the state
	// state is also available via fusionStore.getState()
	console.log("Items:", state.items);

// the 'fusionator' is responsible for the state manipulation
// it is called with two arguments, the previous state
// and an arguments array containing the arguments passed on actors call.
	// the given function name is used as reference for getFusionActor() 
	addItem : function(previousState, args){
		// previousState is immutable, so we need to clone it (using lodash here)
		var currentItems = _.deepClone(previousState.items);
		// IMPORTANT: Here an *object* is returned
		// The object represents (a part of) the application state 
		return { items : currentItems };
	removeItem : function(previousState, args){
		if (previousState.items.length == 0) return {};

		var items = previousState.items.filter(function (item) {
			return !== args[0];
		return {items: items}
// initial state
	items: []

// gets the fusion actors, i.e. have the same name as defined above
var addItem = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("addItem");
var removeItem = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("removeItem");

// use the actors as simple action functions
addItem({ name: "item1", value : 1 });
addItem({ name: "item2", value : 2 });



Multiple Fusionators

With the growth of the project a single Fusionator would become quite large, and it could be cumbersome to find adequate actor names. Fortunately, Fusion is capable to support multiple Fusionators. Each Fusionator has its own namespace, avoiding naming conflicts though.

If namespace is not given (good for simpler scenarios) the default namespace is used.

Multiple Fusionator Example

var NanoFlux = require('nanoflux-fusion');
var fusionStore = NanoFlux.getFusionStore();

var subscription = fusionStore.subscribe(this, function(state){
    // ...

// the fusionator namespaces
var FooFusionatorNS = "FooFusionator";
var BarFusionatorNS = "BarFusionator";

// Fusionator in FooFusionatorNS namespace
	foo : function(previousState, args){
		return { a : args[0] };
// initial state
	a : {}
FooFusionatorNS); /// <-- NAMESPACE as second argument

// Fusionator in BarFusionatorNS namespace 
	// won't conflict with other Fusionator due to namespacing
	foo : function(previousState, args){
		return { b : args[0] };
// initial state
	b : {}
BarFusionatorNS); /// <-- NAMESPACE as second argument

// gets the fusion actors for different Fusionators
var foo1 = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("foo", FooFusionatorNS); /// <-- NAMESPACE as second argument
var foo2 = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("foo", BarFusionatorNS); /// <-- NAMESPACE as second argument

Asynchronous Actors

Fusion supports asynchronous actions out-of-the-box. If a Fusionator returns a promise instead of a state object, the promise will be executed, i.e. action is asynchronous. The state shall be passed as argument of the resolver. Chaining is also possible. Fusion aims to support all A+ compliant implementations. It is currently tested with the

Asynchronous Actor Example

function asyncA(arg1){
	return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
			// returns state to be mergeds
			resolve({a: arg1});
		}, 500)
function asyncB(arg){
	return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
			resolve( {b: 5 + arg.a} );
		}, 500)

var asyncFusionator = NanoFlux.createFusionator({
	simplePromise: function(prevState, args){
			return asyncA(args[0]); 
	chainedPromises: function(prevState, args){
		return asyncA(args[0]).then(function(data){
			console.log(data); // data = {a: 5} 
			return asyncB(data);  
// initial state

var simplePromise = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("simplePromise");
var chainedPromises = NanoFlux.getFusionActor("chainedPromises");

// call the actions
simplePromise(5); // state will be { a: 5 }
chainedPromises(5); // state will be { a: 5, b: 10 }


Fusion provides a simple middleware interface to apply generic functionality before states are merged into the application state. The Fusion Store’s use method accepts a function of the following structure

const middlewareFunction = function (newState, currentState, actionName){
    // ... your implementation
    return newState;

The newState argument is the state object returned from the Fusionator, while the currentState is the most recent application state. Obviously, actionName is the name of the triggered action (that one passed on getFusionActor. The middleware functions are called in the order as they are added to the store.

Note: Nanoflux also provides a middleware interface (Nanoflux.use()), but that interface applies for the dispatcher. In case of Fusion, the dispatcher middleware isn’t that useful, as it dispatches always to the same method (i.e. on__fuse()) with internally maintained arguments.

Very Simple Logger Middleware Example

function LoggerMiddleware(){
    var logData = [];

    this.log = function(newState, oldState, actionName){
            action: actionName,
            state: _.cloneDeep(oldState)

        return newState; // must return a state 

    this.countLogEntries = function(){ return logData.length };
    this.getLogEntry = function(t){
        return logData[t];

var fusionStore = NanoFlux.getFusionStore();
var logger = new LoggerMiddleware();
fusionStore.use( logger.log );

State Modifying Middlewre

Each middleware must return a state object, usually the newState itself. But it can be also a modified version of newState; this way, you can build a kind of a (generic) transformation pipeline.

function addTimestamp(newState, oldState){

        var modifiedState = {};
        modifiedState.modified =; // adds a timestamp to the state

        Object.assign(newState, modifiedState);
        return newState;

fusionStore.use( addTimestamp );

Only synchronous middleware functions

There’s no support for asynchronous middleware functions yet, that means that the middleware execution doesn’t wait for asynchronous operations.